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Our Services

I strive my best to  specialize in helping individuals reach their fitness goals. Through customized programs, comprehensive nutrition counseling, and 1-on-1 coaching, I hope to motivate you,  and guide you to hit your goals and achieve the healthy lifestyle you've always wished for.


Diet Banana

Initial Assessment

In your first session, you will experience a comprehensive fitness assessment that covers all aspects of your well-being. Our service includes posture and gait analysis, flexibility testing, cardiovascular fitness evaluation, and body composition assessment. With expert insights across these key areas, we provide you a tailored roadmap to achieve your fitness goals effectively.

Image by Alora Griffiths

Weight Lifting 101

This is the perfect service for those looking to build muscle, increase strength, improve posture, or tone up. We will provide you with the guidance and support you need to reach your goals and take your physical fitness to the next level. With this service, you'll be on your way to achieving a stronger, healthier you.

Exercise Bands

The Rubber Band Experience

The Rubber Band Experience offers a personalized and comprehensive approach to fitness and wellbeing. We provide an individualized program that is tailored to your specific needs, with an emphasis on bodyweight exercises and resistance bands. This service can be provided in the comfort of your own home, and allows you to increase strength, mobility, leading to a happier, healthier you.

Image by Chander R

Cardio & Endurance

Our Cardio & Endurance service offers a variety of options to help you reach your fitness goals. If running on a treadmill isn't your thing, we can utilize the beautiful outdoors and engage in track running, hikes, and other fun activities to help increase your stamina and endurance. All activities are tailored to your individual needs to ensure maximum results.

Working from Home

Coaching & Accountability

Our Coaching & Accountability services provide personalized guidance and support to help you reach your fitness goals. We offer several options for coaching, including online sessions via Zoom, phone calls, and in-person meetings. With our help, you will have the accountability and structure you need to stay on track and reach your goals.

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